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Hey there, and welcome to my realm! I'm delighted to have you here. I'm a Web Developer and well-versed in

I'm Aryan, an Electrical Engineering undergraduate at National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar. Apart from college studies, I do Web Development and practice Data Structures & Algorithms. I'm a big football and Studio Ghibli fan.
My Expertise
C++Software Development

I'm proficient in C++ and very much experienced with Data Structuces & Algorithms. I Have done 900+ Questions on LeetCode.

NextjsWeb Development

I like to code things from scratch, and enjoy bringing ideas to life in the browser. I'm experienced in using Html, CSS, TailwindCSS, JS, React and NextJS .

resolveOther Stuff.......

I possess some knowledge in machine learning and video editing and am actively learning and gaining experience in these fields.

My Projects

GIF from Ocean Waves
Hand Gesture Recognition Tool
Project 3

About this Site

So, I decided to do something related to Web Development in the summer of 2023, and what's better than creating your portfolio website? Well, I thought about it and wanted to make something that reflects me and the things I love. You might have an idea by now that I'm a big Studio Ghibli fan. I decided to make a hybrid Studio Ghibli & Portfolio Website.

This website was made using NextJS, TailwindCSS, and many other react libraries. This may not be the best website in terms of design because I was not following any particular design nor I had any design idea in my mind at the time. This was meant to be something other than professional. The idea was to introduce you to this magical world of Ghibli and myself.

I could have effortlessly crafted a professional portfolio, but I strongly believe in showcasing my authentic self, and at the moment of building this website, my entire inspiration stems from the enchanting world of Ghibli. I may redesign the website in the future. But for now, I fulfilled my purpose of making a Studio Ghibli-inspired portfolio. Give me your valuable suggestions and tell me your favorite Studio Ghibli Movie. via Contact.



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Get in Touch

I would love to hear from you! If you have any questions, feedback, or inquiries, please feel free to reach out to me using the contact form.


Welcome to Ghiblily!

Whenever someone creates something with all of their heart, then that creation is given a soul. - Hayao Miyazaki